Monday, November 9, 2009

Chapter 6: Tension Triggers

Many of the "culprits" that create tension are part of our everyday lives. They're so "normal" that it's easy to miss them, but when we fail to recognize them, they can creep up on us. leaving everyone in the family wide awake and wondering why.
Identify your child's "culprits".


  1. I found this chapter very interesting. I have missed some of the everyday "culprits" in our life. I am trying to be more aware of them. I am hoping that some of the startegies in this book will not only help my children but my husband as well. He has been diagnosed with insomnia and takes a pill to help him sleep. However, some night the medicine doesn't even work. I think he is so wound up he can't relax. I hope that by changing our schedule and recognizing the culprits he will be able to sleep as well.

  2. One of the "culprits" that creates tension for my family is having too many after school activites throughout the week. I have noticed that we just don't sleep as well and we aren't as relaxed during the weeks when there seems to be somewhere that we have to go every afternoon and/or evening. I try to limit our activities because I know what the end result will be if I don't. Sometimes I feel like I am being antisocial and my kids are often unhappy with my choices. However, I know that I have to make sleep a priority or we will all pay too high a price. Caffeine is another one of my personal "culprits". I know if I drink too much during the day that I won't sleep as well at night. I don't allow my children to drink caffeine but I do think it is a culprit for many of our children at school.
