Monday, November 9, 2009

Chapter 8: Time

In a study conducted by Dr. A. Kahn, researchers found that 58 percent of children's sleeplessness was attributed to little decisions. So what are these little things that matter so much? There are four main categories:
1. Irregular schedule
2. Light
3. Lack of exercise or exercise at the wrong time
4. Stimulants
Together they create the "ILLS" of the night. Can you pinpoint which category may be contributing to your child's sleep issues?

A shift in the schedule only one or two times a week means that 29% of the time your child's sleep is disrupted. Think about it. One decision that YOU have the power to make has the potential of cutting the tantrums by nearly a third. After reading this, what do you intend to do differently?

1 comment:

  1. As I said in an earlier post, I am trying to work on the "I"rregular schedule issue by limiting our afternoon and evening activities so we can have a consistently early bedtime. I had never really thought about "L"ight being a factor. I must admit that while my children do not have TVs in their rooms,they do like to watch TV in the evening before bedtime. I had never thought that the light from the TV or the computer could be a factor that contributes to sleep issues. I think I am going to not allow them to watch TV before bedtime for a few nights in a row and see if they sleep better.
